The Learning Culture Podcast

#61 - 5 Critical Paths to Business Strategy and Growth: A Quarterly Business Review

April 21, 2023 Andrew Barry Episode 61

This week, we have a special episode.

Today, I want to share with you an article that I wrote from a review that I did of my first quarter in 2023. I spent the first quarter doing a lot of journaling; it is a new practice that I have taken a lot more seriously this year. And at the end of the quarter, I go away and lock myself up—in this case, in a farm—for 48 hours. And I review all of my notes from the previous quarter and write a synthesis of that.

What came out of this particular one was identifying five main themes or pathways that I have found, am walking, and will constantly walk for the rest of my life. I think you'll find them valuable. Well, I hope you do, because I think maybe some of them you'll find valuable, and maybe others you won't. But these five were really essential and will continue to be essential for me to continue walking this path.

In the second part of the episode, I talk about how I applied the lessons that I've learned from walking those five pathways to my business. And I share a little bit about our point of view, our purpose, our vision, and a little bit about our strategy too.

If you're interested in how we are building this Revenue Enablement as a Service thing, you're really going to enjoy this episode. If you want to read this article, it's up on our blog.

Go to You can check out the full piece of what you're going to hear next, as well as some really cool AI generated images and a lot of other good stuff.

With that, it is time for you to sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode with me.